Poster Session 1.10

Author: Francesca Primas
Affiliation: ESO
Country: Germany

Co-Author(s): Helena Mihaljevic
Affiliation: HTW Berlin
Country: Germany

Title: Do scientific publications in astronomy suffer from gender patterns?
A solid publication record is a key factor in a successful academic career. A recent study by Mihaljevic-Brandt et al. (2017) on publication patterns based on comprehensive metadata sources showed a systemic gender imbalance in the publication distribution of mathematicians. Using four decades of data, they showed that women mathematicians publish less than men at the beginning of their careers, fewer single authored papers and in less high-ranked journals.

The Gender Gap project is now applying a similar methodology to study publication patterns in other scientific disciplines, including astronomy, and across countries and regions. This poster will present the preliminary results of the analysis in the field of astronomy, from 1970 onwards. The analysis is based on comprehensive metadata sources collected via the Astrophysics Data System (ADS), the reference database for astronomy and astrophysics publications worldwide. The patterns, if any, will be analysed based on different parameters, including gender, journal type, country of affiliation.