Poster Session 1.2

Author: Pamela Paredes
Affiliation: Universidad de Concepción
Country: Chile

Co-Author(s): Carla Fuentes
Affiliation: Universidad de Concepción
Country: Chile

Title: Bi-sensorial Astronomy for Chilean BVI people.
Every city in Chile as their own blind and visually impaired (BVI) groups where they meet to perform different types of recreational activities, rehabilitation therapies and sports [1]. We have realized that scientific nor culture activities are not an option for them. We are also conscious that Chile has its own laws to include BVI kids inside the schools but it doesn’t ensure that the education received is properly adapted for them.
Dedoscopio creates an instance so that people can learn in an interactive and fun way about astronomy. Our main goal is to reach to this BVI groups all across Chile offering them an alternative to the activities they normally do. In order to increase the quality of the knowledge exchange for BVI people, we are evaluating our activities in a formative and summative evaluation method [2], and thus, increase and clarify the knowledge in astronomy and astronomy latest news. We would present the results of these evaluations of the activities that we are carrying out during this year, using a combination of tactile and sound material [3].

[1]:Corporación para ciegos en Chile. [online] Available at:
[2]: Fazey, I., Bunse, L., Msika, J., Pinke, M., Preedy, K., Evely, A.C., Lambert, E., Hastings, E., Morris, S., 2014. Evaluating knowledge exchange in interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder research. Glob. Environ. Change 25, 204-220.
[3]: Bermejo, M. L., Fajardo, M. I., Mellado, V. (2002). El aprendizaje de las ciencias en niños ciegos y deficientes visuales.Integración, 2002, 38, 25-34