Poster Session 2.18

Author: Maria Rosaria D’Antonio,
Affiliation: IAU,
Country: France

Co-Author: Lina Canas,
Affiliation: IAU / NAOJ
Country: Japan

Title: Inspiring Stars – The IAU inclusive world exhibition
The IAU100 Inspiring Stars (IS) is a program engined by an itinerant international exhibition promoted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to disseminate world initiatives addressing inclusion in Astronomy at (but not limited to) the professional, outreach and didactic aspect with the ultimate goal of evolving from leveling the playing field to egalitarian participation. Here we present the challenges of implementation and the lessons learnt from the activities implemented during 2019, the next steps for the project as a legacy of the 100 years celebrations of the IAU and the importance of sustainability in project design.