Poster Session 2.5

Author: Pyeong Jun Park
Affiliation: Korea National University of Transportation
Country: South Korea

Title: An Affordable Telescope Making by 3D Printing Technology
Ever since Galileo built a telescope and discovered secrets of our universe,
observers have been making their own telescopes until the era of modern
mass production[1]. For many people, in the meanwhile, telescopes are still
expensive, and it is difficult to understand the principles of the telescope[2].
We develop a variety of telescope prototypes using versatile 3D printing
technology, along with relevant educational materials[3]. We have been
teaching students how to design telescopes, how to use 3D printing technology
and build their own telescopes, and how to observe the sky. In this way,
students learn astronomy, make and maintain affordable astronomical telescopes,
and become interested in astronomy for a long time. We present our educational
activities on telescope making and its impact on, in particular, underprivileged

[2]: Allyn J. Thompson, Making Your Own Telescope, Sky Publishing (1947)