Talk Session 2.1

Author: Francesca Primas
Affiliation: ESO
Country: Germany

Title: The Gender Gap Project
The International Astronomical Union is one of the main partners of the project ÒA Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?Ó, an interdisciplinary collaboration of eleven partners, led by the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), supported by the International Science Council (ISC) over the triennium 2017Ð2019. The project aims to better understand the problems mathematical, computing, and natural science academics and practitioners are facing around the world. It consists of three main tasks: i. The Joint Global Survey that was carried out during 2018; ii. A detailed investigation of scientific publications patterns; iii. The set-up of a best-practice/most-useful documents database, to encourage girls and young women to study and pursue an education in mathematics and natural sciences, along with regional information about careers, jobs and salaries directed at parents, schools, and other relevant agents. In this talk, I will present the final results of the project, with the main focus on the outcomes from the Joint Global Survey for the field of astronomy.